I captured the image on an excursion to the Second Market area of Tongducheon, South Korea with my wife at my side. We were sitting by the window in one of our favorite hangouts and I noticed that there were other couples congregating in the cafe with us. The photo was spontaneous. I wanted to document the moment for posterity. Considering that National Geographic photographers may expend hundreds of rolls of film on one assignment, I figured I could spare one or two digital images.
So some background on Korea for a moment, since I have your attention now. Young men in South Korea have mandatory enlistment for two years in the Armed Forces. Most of them are young college aged men. Occassionally women join, but it is not expected of them.
It is a unifying experience that spans generations. All men, unless they receive an exception serve, in either the military or the police. Those who speak english serve as Korean Augmentees to the US Army (KATUSA), a relationship forged in combat some sixty years ago.
However, the cutest part about being a Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine or Commando in the Korean military are the variety shows that showcase service members and their girl friends. They are very adorable shows which is why I dedicate this week's blog to South Korean Soldiers and their girl friends.
Check out other photos at the following website: