Monday, April 12, 2010

Some cowboy poetry...

Love’s Gunfight

In the gunfights of love
Blood flows hot from the hearts
And cupid’s bullets fly true

Through the wind and the dust
The gunfighters’ lust
Leap like whirlwinds in Sonoran hue

Heaven’s horizon embrace
Casts saguaro shadows through space
While coyotes bay for the moon

The cordite caress
Fiery ‘neath bullet’s lead breast
Propels to make lovers swoon

When struck they awake
And love overtakes
Bang, bang the awakening sigh

For the ghosts of love’s breath
Forever ride west
To the place where earth meets the sky

Where gunfights of love
With the hot moon above
and cupid’s fly bullets true--

Bull’t Riddl’d Moon

The howls of history
Fade to dusk
At the rise of the burning sun
The shades retreat
And phantoms drown
In the land that blood once won
But when darkness creeps
And the bright orb fades
The old world is born anew
Soft on the winds
The stir of guns
Ghosts the past once knew
They dance and delight
Beneath the unearthly light
Of a bull’t riddl’d moon

Thanks for stopping by!


Experimenting with Corel Painter and my Bamboo Tablet...

So I have a Bamboo Tablet that puts the F in fun! The great thing about it is the fact that it is not sensitive to touch, only to the pen that come with it. So you can write naturally and draw as well. But the drawing will take a little practice, it will take time to get accustomed to not looking at the pad as I draw.

Here is my first attempt. I find that I have to use sketching techniques to create the image whereas with a pencil I usually draw more deliberately.

Due to popular request from my bro...

So a couple days ago I posted some haiku. Here are some poems from the same time period...

Moral Compass North

A compass always points to north
We like to believe its true
But along life’s path are crossroads
To lead astray the fool
For though he has a compass
He’ll not always find his way
If he wields it poorly
The land will have its day
For knowing North is only part
Of the knowledge trapped inside
East is east and west is west
And next to south preside

(This is only part of it. I have to re-write the second stanza below

But it isn’t always the fool
Not every compass is alike
Nor in capable hands do fall
A compass always points to north
We like to believe its true
Except when near magnets
To trick the pious fool
We put faith into the compass
Magnets whether big or small
Will lure in its own way
Though bigger seems to always win
Small will have its day

The rhyme and meter are clumsy, so are the words, so please excuse the amateurish nature of it....)

Here's a better one

Knock out

Her eyes twinkled in the light
Her hair floated on the breeze
It was love at first sight
I could feel it in my knees.

Across the steamy bar
She sat, my winged angel of love.
Shining through the dark, a star
Fallen from above.

My heart stumbled, struck
By cupid's arrow point.
My lungs began to suck
I wobbled, about to faint.

Then a thrown kiss tumbled
And knocked me off my feet
My lips, in silence, mumbled
Below eyes of disbelief

Then the wink—
She went for the TKO
I couldn't think
And never ducked to avoid the blow

The world, swirled; a mosh of wild color
Down for the count
I found, love
One tough customer

And one that was published on

PAIN, I feel the wind stingin’ my face,
I hear the guttural sound of air--
A thousand voices endlessly speaking to my soul
Pushing me on!
Driving me!
Then silence…
Am I alive?
Where is the pain.
In the silence I inhabit a barren dream world.
The unreality of it shifts before my eyes,
Curvaceous phantoms dancing beneath a blinding sun.
But close by I feel the heart beat of my reality.
Its redundant Morse code, whispering—
Freedom. Freedom. Ride!
It is an energy that stirs my essence.
Defiant against the red staring eye
I await its green brother to
Unleash me!
Send me to the paradise!

Please enjoy and I appreciate any and all comments. They will only serve to make me better!



Friday, April 9, 2010

Where have I been?

Well, with a new baby (check out my wife's blog) and work (at home and at work), March passed like a beans through the digestive tract. Now we are well on the way through April. Where does time go?

The great thing about April is that I have a new Bamboo Tablet for my laptop. Now I can actually add a little hand drawn art to this blog. Woo hoo! In the meantime, while I work on a few digital art pieces, allow me to entertain you with some poetry.

I wrote this poetry as a young lieutentant at the end of the last century and the beginning of this one. Let's start with some haiku...

Fortune cookie say
Merry times ahead. Seek love
In a sugar shell?

Drunk tank, think tank, fish
Live in a tank, but not here
Gunner! Sabot! Tank!

Waves roll on the wind
I live beneath a sea
I’ve never seen the sun

Melody of death
Bass and crescendo pummel
Killing silence

A flower unfolds its petals
Color flows like blood
My mind is awoke

Haze hides the mountain
Mist shrouds the valley floor
Where is enlightenment

I loved once before
Countless battlefields of yore
I waged love as war

Thank you for visiting my blog!
