Thursday, January 7, 2010

Where to begin...

I guess I have taken my first leap into the Blogosphere of the web. There is no turning back now. I am committed. I have joined a community and perhaps will gain a following. But that is not important. It is more important for me to ensure the blog does not intrude into my life or take it over.

In the meantime, I hope those who read these postings, enjoy them. Please forgive my simplistic webpage design. Perhaps I will hone my skills over time, but don't hold your breath. As an offering to the pantheon of internet idols and icons, I have submitted photos to to sanctify this journey.

So what will be the purpose of this blog, you ask?

Well, I intend to share my thoughts on life and samples of my art. "Thoughts on life?" you muse. Yes, I might as well add my perspective, at least for my family. I think I have some original ideas.

"Art?" you ask. Yes, at one point in my youth I was an artist. But since those early years, I have strayed from the path of creativity onto the road of convention. So on these pages I will attempt to reconnect with my creative side and allow myself to be judged by the anonymous pundits of the web, those who may pass by to either cast stones or praise.

I cannot guarantee the regularity of my postings. But they will at least be monthly.



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